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editor’s preface
编者序言  detail>>
 n.  1.序,绪言;前言;引语;开端。 2.〔P-〕【宗教】(弥撒的)序诵,序祷。  vt.  1.给…作序。&nb...  detail>>
the preface to the
化前序  detail>>
 n.  1.编者,编辑;校刊者;校订者。 2.影片剪辑装置。 3.社论撰写人 (=〔美国〕 editorial writer, 〔英国〕 leade...  detail>>
a preface to metaphysics
形而上学  detail>>
a preface to murder
谋杀端倪  detail>>
preface and contents
序目  detail>>
preface and postscript
序跋  detail>>
preface information
前导信息  detail>>
preface of a treaty
约首  detail>>
preface or foreward
序言/前言  detail>>
the original preface
原序  detail>>
preface by dr dan lu
卢丹怀博士序  detail>>
preface by lu gusun
陆谷孙序  detail>>
preface by prof ambrose king
金耀基教授序  detail>>
preface by prof chen guohua
陈国华教授序  detail>>
preface by prof huang shuanfan
黄宣范教授序  detail>>
preface by prof zhang boran
张柏然教授序  detail>>